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Pomorze Gdańskie

Pomorze Gdańskie

Pomorze Gdańskie, Pomorze Wschodnie, Pomerelia – zachodnia część Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego, historyczna dzielnica Polski nad dolną Wisłą nad Morzem Bałtyckim w przybliżeniu obejmująca swym obszarem szeroki pas na zachód od dolnej Wisły, tj. centralną i większość zachodniej części województwa pomorskiego, północno-zachodnią część województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego oraz skrawek we wschodniej części województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Od wschodu Pomorze Gdańskie sąsiaduje z Pomezanią/Powiślem, od południa z Wielkopolską, Kujawami i ziemią chełmińską, a od zachodu z Pomorzem Zachodnim. W obrębie Pomorza Gdańskiego wyróżnia się regiony kulturowe, etnograficzne bądź historyczne: Kociewie, Kaszuby, ziemię lęborsko-bytowską, Bory Tucholskie.

Wessex Basin

Wessex Basin

The Wessex Basin is a petroliferous geological area located along the southern coast of England and extending into the English Channel. The onshore part of the basin covers approximately 20,000 km² and the area that encompasses the English Channel is of similar size. The basin is a rift basin that was created during the Permian to early Cretaceous in response to movement of the African plate relative to the Eurasian plate. In the late Cretaceous, and again in the Cenozoic, the basin was inverted as a distant effect of the Alpine orogeny. The basin is usually divided into 3 main sub-basins including the Winterborne-Kingston Trough, Channel Basin, and Vale of Pewsey Basin. The area is also rich in hydrocarbons with several offshore wells in the area. With the large interest in the hydrocarbon exploration of the area, data became more readily available, which improved the understanding of the type of inversion tectonics that characterize this basin.



Bugojno is a city and municipality located in Central Bosnia Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is situated on river Vrbas, 130 km to the northwest from Sarajevo. Before the war, it was a multi-ethnic town, now it is mainly Bosniak. As of 2013, it has a population of 34,559 inhabitants. It includes the Čipulić village. To the west towards Kupres is a region called Koprivica. This enormous forest was once one of President Tito's favorite hunting spots. The uninhabited dense forest has created a sanctuary for wild animals. Hunting associations are very active in this region and there are many mountain and hunting lodges dotting the forest. Duboka Valley is a designated hunting area covered by thick spruce. Kalin Mountain is a popular weekend area for hikers and nature lovers.

Partido Comunista de Liberación Nacional

Partido Comunista de Liberación Nacional

O Partido Comunista de Liberación Nacional foi un partido comunista e independentista galego formado en 1986 e disolto en 1990.

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