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Односи Србије и Турске

Односи Србије и Турске

Односи Србије и Турске су инострани односи Републике Србије и Турске Републике.

Flexor pollicis brevis muscle

Flexor pollicis brevis muscle

The flexor pollicis brevis is a muscle in the hand that flexes the thumb. It is one of three thenar muscles. It has both a superficial part and a deep part.

List of public art at the Indiana Statehouse

List of public art at the Indiana Statehouse

This is a list of public art in and around the Indiana Statehouse, the Indiana Government Center North, and the Indiana Government Center South, which make up the Indiana Statehouse Public Art Collection.

Lijst van personen overleden in december 2019

Lijst van personen overleden in december 2019

Dit is een lijst van bekende personen die zijn overleden in december 2019.

Released under the MIT License.

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