Eden High School, also known simply as Eden, is a co-educational, public secondary school in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. It is a part of the District School Board of Niagara. Students from Grade Nine to Grade Twelve study under the Curriculum of the Province of Ontario.
Eden High School was originally located in the neighbouring town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, but moved to St. Catharines when the school population began to grow. When the school moved to St. Catharines it shared buildings with Lakeport Secondary School up until 2011. The roots of Eden High School reach back to the founding of the Virgil-Vineland Bible School Society in 1938, by early Mennonite Brethren settlers in the Niagara Peninsula. The founder of the school was Rev. Isaac Ewert, who began running evening classes under the auspices of the society in late 1938.
Officially founded in 1945 by an act of the Bible Society of Virgil as a private day and boarding school, "Eden Christian College" the School moved to its present location in St. Catharines as a result of a charter agreement with the now reorganized Lincoln County Board of Education.