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Saint-Jean-Baptiste è un comune del Canada, situato nella provincia del Québec, nella regione di Montérégie.

Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in St. Leonhard bei Freistadt

Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in St. Leonhard bei Freistadt

Die Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in St. Leonhard bei Freistadt enthält die 8 denkmalgeschützten, unbeweglichen Objekte in St. Leonhard bei Freistadt.

هو تشيانشيون

هو تشيانشيون

هو تشيانشيون هو ملاكم صيني، مثّل بلاده في الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية 2016.

Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre

Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre

The Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre is a static railway museum based in the former railway workshops located in Peterborough, South Australia. Peterborough was the administrative and service centre for the Peterborough Division of the South Australian Railways, employing up to 1,500 people in the workshops during its heyday. The railway workshops covered an extensive area mainly to the west of the township, and it is in these original buildings that the exhibits are displayed. The turntable and roundhouse are the main features of the exhibit. The turntable is unusual in that it accommodates three rail gauges: Narrow gauge, standard gauge and broad gauge. In Australia there were only two similar turntables; all three were on the same line, with the one at Peterborough the only one remaining. This unique situation arose from the standardisation project of the late 1960s. At this time the broad gauge line was extended from Terowie to Peterborough and the Port Pirie to Broken Hill section was replaced by standard gauge line. The Peterborough to Quorn section remained narrow gauge.

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