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Psilocybe fuscofulva

Psilocybe fuscofulva

Psilocybe fuscofulva is a species of mushroom in that grows on Sphagnum moss and rarely decaying wood in peat bogs in North America and Europe. It is the only species of Psilocybe currently known to not contain any psilocybin or psilocin. The phylogenetic placement indicates its close relationship to Psilocybe silvatica and Psilocybe semilanceata. It was previously most commonly known as Psilocybe atrobrunnea but the holotype does not exist and the neotype of this species was lost, so Psilocybe fuscofulva, which was previously regarded as a synonym but has a holotype, was resurrected to replace it. It is considered inedible.

Сапарева баня

Сапарева баня

Сапарева баня е град в Югозападна България и е част от област Кюстендил. Намира се в северните склонове на Рила на 15 km от Дупница. Градът е известен с неговата гореща минерална и чиста планинска вода, както и с гейзера в центъра на града. Градът е административен център на община Сапарева баня.

Alcide De Gasperi

Alcide De Gasperi

Alcide Amedeo Francesco De Gasperi was an Italian statesman who founded the Christian Democracy party and served as Prime Minister of Italy in eight successive coalition governments from 1945 to 1953. De Gasperi was the last Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy, serving under both Victor Emmanuel III and Umberto II. He was also the first Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, and also briefly served as provisional head of state after the Italian people voted to end the monarchy and establish a republic. His eight-year term in office remains a landmark of political longevity for a leader in modern Italian politics. De Gasperi is the fifth longest-serving Prime Minister since the Italian Unification. A devout Catholic, he was one of the founding fathers of the European Union along with fellow Italian Altiero Spinelli.

Liste des monuments historiques de Maine-et-Loire (nord)

Liste des monuments historiques de Maine-et-Loire (nord)

Cet article recense les monuments historiques du nord de Maine-et-Loire, en France.

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