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Negative split

Negative split

A negative split is a racing strategy that involves completing the second half of a race faster than the first half. It is defined by the intentional setting of a slower initial pace, followed by a gradual or sudden increase of speed towards the end of the race. Alternate strategies include even splitting or sit and kick. Conversely, the act of completing the first half of a race faster than the second half is known as a positive split. The strategy of negative splitting has been documented in competitive running since the early 20th century. Runners such as Steve Prefontaine, Wilson Kipsang and Galen Rupp have used them in races. Negative split strategies are also used in swimming cycling, triathlon and horse racing.

Altos de Francia

Altos de Francia

Alta Francia, en francés Hauts-de-France, ye una de los trelce rexones que, xuntu colos territorios d'Ultramar, conformen la República Francesa. La so capital y ciudá más poblada ye Lille. Ta allugada nel estremu norte del país, llindando al noroeste y norte col canal de la Mancha, al nordeste con Bélxica, al sureste con Gran Este, al sur con Islla de Francia y al suroeste con Normandía. Con 5 960 000 hab. en 2012 ye la tercer rexón más poblada —por detrás d'Islla de Francia y Auvernia-Ródano-Alpes— y con 187 hb/km², la segunda más densamente poblada, por detrás d'Islla de Francia. Crear pola reforma territorial de 2014 fundiéndose Norte-Pasu de Calais y Picardía, y entró a valir el 1 de xineru de 2016.

Lars Unnerstall

Lars Unnerstall

Lars Unnerstall adalah pemain sepak bola asal Jerman. Ia bermain untuk tim Fortuna Düsseldorf. Ia bermain sebagai penjaga gawang. Ia bermain untuk Schalke ketika mereka memenangkan pertandingan 2-0 melawan Arsenal di Emirates Stadium di Champions League.

Karel Lewit

Karel Lewit

Karel Lewit byl neurolog, zakladatel moderní funkční diagnostiky a léčby vertebrogenních onemocnění a manuální a reflexní terapie v bývalém Československu.

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