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Shadrach Bond

Shadrach Bond

Shadrach Bond was a representative from the Illinois Territory to the United States Congress. In 1818, he was elected Governor of Illinois, becoming the new state's first chief executive. In an example of American politics during the Era of Good Feelings, Bond was elected to both positions without opposition.



Étretat je občina v departmaju Seine-Maritime v regiji Zgornja Normandija v severozahodni Franciji. To je turistično in kmetijsko mesto, ki leži približno 32 km severovzhodno od Le Havre, na stičišču cest D 940, D 11 in D 139. Nahaja se na obali na območju Pays de Caux.

Manchester Mayfield railway station

Manchester Mayfield railway station

Manchester Mayfield is a former railway station in Manchester, England, on the south side of Fairfield Street next to Manchester Piccadilly station. Opened in 1910, Mayfield was constructed as a four-platform relief station adjacent to Piccadilly to alleviate overcrowding. In 1960, the station was closed to passengers and, in 1986, it was permanently closed to all services having seen further use as a parcels depot. After years of abandonment and many proposed development schemes, the station roof was dismantled in February 2013. The site was used for Manchester International Festival in July 2013. Manchester Mayfield railway station and the surrounding 6.2-acre site is the property of London and Continental Railways, the residual government-owned corporation and former partner in Eurostar.



一瀬 勇三郎は明治時代の司法官僚。従三位勲二等。 明治3年大村藩貢進生として大学南校に入学、在学中司法省に出仕し、法学校卒業後、明治19年洋行し、ベルリン、パリを視察した。明治23年帰国し、長崎地方裁判所検事正、横浜地方裁判所検事正、大阪地方裁判所検事正、広島控訴院長、函館控訴院長等を歴任した。大正2年東京に隠棲し、昭和2年故郷大村に帰って余生を過ごした。

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