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Murray, Utah

Murray, Utah

Murray is a city situated on the Wasatch Front in the core of Salt Lake Valley in the U.S. state of Utah. Named for territorial governor Eli Murray, it is the state's fourteenth largest city. According to the 2010 census, Murray has approximately 46,746 residents. Murray shares borders with Taylorsville, Holladay, South Salt Lake and West Jordan, Utah. Once teeming with heavy industry, Murray's industrial sector now has little trace and has been replaced by major mercantile sectors. Known for its central location in Salt Lake County, Murray has been called the Hub of Salt Lake County. Unlike most of its neighboring communities, Murray operates its own police, fire, power, water, library, and parks and recreation departments and has its own school district. While maintaining many of its own services, Murray has one of the lowest city tax rates in the state. Thousands of people each year visit Murray City Park for organized sports and its wooded areas. Murray is home to the Intermountain Medical Center, a medical campus that is also Murray's largest employer. Murray has been designated a Tree City USA since 1977.



Adjustierung is derived from the German verb adjustieren is in Austrian armed forces the generic term to a defined type uniform, as well as the paraphrase to a specific dress and equipment to be worn by military personnel. However, another historical designation to military uniform, e.g. in the Austro-Hungarian Army, was Montur, and in the Prussian Army Montierung. Today the Austrian Bundesheer discriminates the different kinds of Adjustierung as follows: Paradeadjustierung Marschadjustierung / Feldadjustierung Gebirgsadjustierung In the German Bundeswehr is Anzugsordnung the equivalent to the Austrian Adjustierung. Until 1945 the designation Waffenrock was commonly used.

Élevage bovin au Canada

Élevage bovin au Canada

L'élevage bovin au Canada est issu de la colonisation européenne qui a introduit l'espèce Bos taurus sur le continent américain. Grand pays agricole exportateur, le Canada possède un troupeau bovin important, tant laitier que boucher.

Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός

Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός

Ο Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός είναι ένα είδος ευκαλύπτου που φτάνει σε ύψος τα 80 μέτρα. Είναι αειθαλές δέντρο με ξερό φλοιό που μαδάει βγάζοντας μακριές ταινίες αφήνοντας τον κορμό λείο και το χρώμα του σταχτίλευκο. Ο ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός κατάγεται από την Αυστραλία και την Τασμανία, αλλά έχει εγκλιματιστεί και απαντάται στη φύση στην Ευρώπη, στη Νότια Αφρική, στη Νέα Ζηλανδία, στην Καλιφόρνια και στη Χαβάη. Εισήχθη στην Ελλάδα από τον βοτανολόγο και λόγιο Θεόδωρο Ορφανίδη το 1862. Καλλιεργείται κυρίως στη νότια Ελλάδα και στη Χαλκιδική και βρίσκεται σε δάση και κήπους.

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