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Халлісте (річка)

Халлісте (річка)

Халлісте — річка в Естонії, у Вальяндімаа й Пярнумаа повітах. Ліва притока Навесті.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is located off the southwestern coast of California, United States. It is the largest island in California, and largest of the eight islands in the Channel Islands archipelago. Forming part of the northern group of the Channel Islands, Santa Cruz is 22 miles long and 2 to 6 miles wide with an area of 61,764.6 acres. The island's coastline has steep cliffs, large sea caves, coves, and sandy beaches. The highest point is Devils Peak, at over 2,450 feet. A central valley splits the island along the Santa Cruz Island Fault, with volcanic rock on the north and older sedimentary rock on the south. This volcanic rock was heavily fractured during an uplift phase that formed the island, and over a hundred large sea caves have been carved into the resulting faults. The largest of these is Painted Cave, among the world's largest. For administrative purposes the island is part of Santa Barbara County, California. The 2000 census showed an official population of two people. Santa Cruz is the largest privately owned island off the continental United States. Ownership is split between the National Park Service and the Nature Conservancy.

Famille de Vogüé

Famille de Vogüé

La famille de Vogüé, olim d'Alès, est une famille subsistante de la noblesse française. Son nom vient de la terre de Vogüé près d'Aubenas qu'elle hérita de la première famille de Vogüé éteinte en 1326 et dont elle descendait en ligne féminine. Cette première famille possédait également depuis le XIIIᵉ siècle la terre de Rochecolombe sous le nom de laquelle elle était parfois désignée jadis. Les Vogüé comptèrent à partir du XIXᵉ siècle des industriels et des hommes d'affaires, mais aussi deux membres de l'Académie française, des hommes politiques, des résistants, etc.

Crucea Domnitorului din Melicești

Crucea Domnitorului din Melicești

Crucea Domnitorului este un monument situat în satul Melicești, la 5 km distanță față de centrul comunei Telega din județul Prahova. Crucea a fost ridicată în onoarea domnitorului Carol I de Hohenzollern, care a vizitat Telega și Melicești la mijlocul anului 1866, în timpul primei sale călătorii prin România.

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