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Color triangle

Color triangle

A colour triangle is an arrangement of colours within a triangle, based on the additive combination of three primary colors at its corners. An additive colour space defined by three primary colors has a chromaticity gamut that is a color triangle, when the amounts of the primaries are constrained to be nonnegative. Before the theory of additive color was proposed by Thomas Young and further developed by James Clerk Maxwell and Hermann von Helmholtz, triangles were also used to organize colors, for example around a system of red, yellow, and blue primary colors. After the development of the CIE system, color triangles were used as chromaticity diagrams, including briefly with the trilinear coordinates representing the chromaticity values. Since the sum of the three chromaticity values has a fixed value, it suffices to depict only two of the three values, using Cartesian co-ordinates. In the modern x, y diagram, the large triangle bounded by the imaginary primaries X, Y, and Z has corners, and, respectively; colour triangles with real primaries are often shown within this space.

Алфа Ромео ДжиТиВи

Алфа Ромео ДжиТиВи

Alfa Romeo GTV и Alfa Romeo Spider са две спортни коли, произвеждани от италианския производител Alfa Romeo от 1995 до 2006 г. Те са известни с вътрешно означение на Alfa Romeo 916. GTV е купе 2 + 2, а Spider е двуместен роудстър – версия на GTV. Около 39 000 Spider и 41 700 GTVs са построени от 1993 до 2004 г. Името на GTV го поставя като правоприемник на отдавна преустановения Alfetta GTV купе, докато Spider ефективно заменя тогава 30-годишната 105-серия Giulia Spider. GTV се произвежда до старта на Brera през 2005 г., докато Spider продължава още една година до старта на своят Brera-базиран наследник през 2006 г. Alfa Romeo GTV е вписана под номер 29 в Джереми Кларксън Топ 100 коли от 2001 г.

De Bisschoppen

De Bisschoppen

De Bisschoppen is de naam van twee woontorens die zich bevinden op het Utrechtse universiteitsterrein De Uithof. In de woontorens bevinden zich 552 studentenwoningen en kantoorruimte. Bovendien is de faculteit Maatschappij & Recht van de Hogeschool Utrecht hier gehuisvest. Opdrachtgever van de bouw van deze torens was de SSH Utrecht in samenwerking met de Hogeschool Utrecht, het ontwerp is afkomstig van Köther Salman Koedijk Architecten. De oplevering van De Bisschoppen vond eind 2006 plaats, twee jaar na de aanvang van de bouw. Op woensdag 20 juni 2007 vond de officiële opening plaats en werden De Bisschoppen ingezegend door kardinaal Simonis.




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