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Smoke on the Water

Smoke on the Water

„Smoke on the Water“ — ჯგუფ Deep Purple-ის სიმღერა და სინგლი, შეტანილი 1972 წლის სტუდიურ ალბომში Machine Head. 2004 წელს ჟურნალმა Rolling Stone იგი დაასახელა ყველა დროის 500 საუკეთესო სიმღერის სიის #426 პოზიციაზე, ხოლო 2005 წლის მარტში ჟურნალმა Q - ყველა დროის საუკეთესო საგიტარო სიმღერების სიის #12 პოზიციაზე.

Pampecaj Montaroj

Pampecaj Montaroj

Pampecaj Montaroj aŭ Pampaj Montaroj, en hispana Sierras Pampeanas estas la nomo kiun ricevas unu el la regionoj geografiaj en kiuj troviĝas dividita Argentino. Ties proksimuma areo estas de 300 000 km², koincide kelkaj okcidentaj zonoj de ĉi regiono kun kelkaj el la NOA kaj kelkaj zonoj de sudokcidento kun kelkaj zonoj de la regiono Kujo. Ĉi regiono spite sian nomon, enhavas areojn de peneplanoj kaj altebenaĵoj kvankam ĝi ricevas tiun nomon pro la reliefoj dominaj en tiu regiono, tio estas, pro la aro de montaroj kiuj etendas tra la centro-okcidento de Argentino, de nordo al sudo tra sep provincoj: nome Tukumano, Katamarko, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, San Juan, Kordobo kaj San Luis.

ইন্টারনেট এক্সপ্লোরার

ইন্টারনেট এক্সপ্লোরার

ইন্টারনেট এক্সপ্লোরার মাইক্রোসফট কর্পোরেশন এর উদ্ভাবিত এবং এক সময়ের সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় ওয়েব ব্রাউজার।

List of diplomatic visits to the United States: South America

List of diplomatic visits to the United States: South America

International trips made by the heads of state and heads of government to the United States have become a valuable part of American diplomacy and international relations since such trips were first made in the mid-19th century. They are complicated undertakings that often require months of planning along with a great deal of coordination and communication. The first international visit to the United States was made by King Kalakaua of Hawaii in 1874, which was the first visit by a foreign chief of state or head of government. The first South American head of state to visit the United States was Emperor Pedro II of Brazil in 1876.

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