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Liste des musées du Yorkshire du Nord

Liste des musées du Yorkshire du Nord

Cette liste des musées du North Yorkshire, Angleterre contient des musées qui sont définis dans ce contexte comme des institutions qui recueillent et soignent des objets d'intérêt culturel, artistique, scientifique ou historique. leurs collections ou expositions connexes disponibles pour la consultation publique. Sont également inclus les galeries d'art à but non lucratif et les galeries d'art universitaires. Les musées virtuels ne sont pas inclus.

آکونیٹوم ناپيللوس

آکونیٹوم ناپيللوس

آکونیٹوم ناپيللوس ایک زہریلا اور طبی پودا ہے جس کی کاشت ایشیا اور يورپ میں کوہستان ميں ہوتی ہے۔



The Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network is an interferometer array of radio telescopes spread across England. The array is run from Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire by the University of Manchester on behalf of Science and Technology Facilities Council. The array consists of up to seven radio telescopes and includes the Lovell Telescope, Mark II, Cambridge, Defford, Knockin, Darnhall and Pickmere. The longest baseline is therefore 217 km and MERLIN can operate at frequencies between 151 MHz and 24 GHz. At a wavelength of 6 cm, MERLIN has a resolution of 40 milliarcseconds which is comparable to that of the HST at optical wavelengths. Some of the telescopes are occasionally used for European VLBI Network and Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations in order to create an interferometer with even larger baselines, providing images with much greater angular resolution.

Televerkets administrativa datasystem

Televerkets administrativa datasystem

Televerkets administrativa datasystem skapades i början av 1970-talet för olika administrativa ändamål inom svenska televerket. Systemet följde med in i Telia AB och används till viss del fortfarande trots många försök att ersätta det med nyare teknik.

Released under the MIT License.

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