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Bullrun (NSA計畫)

Bullrun (NSA計畫)

Bullrun是一个高度机密的计划,用于破解在线通信和数据的加密,该计划由美国国家安全局运行。在英国政府通讯总部中类似计划的代号为Edgehill。根据《卫报》披露的BULLRUN分类指南,该计划使用多种方法,包括计算机网络利用、拦截 、行业关系与其他情报界实体的协作以及先进的数学技术。 爱德华·斯诺登在2013年泄漏了有关该计划存在的信息。尽管斯诺登的文档没有包含有关确切的密码分析功能的技术信息,因为斯诺登没有获得此类信息的许可访问权,但它们确实包含了2010 GCHQ演示文稿,其中声称“此前已丢弃的大量的互联网加密数据,现在可以被利用”。在美国情报官员的要求下,新闻界还对斯诺登文件中发现的有关该程序的许多技术细节进行了审查。在斯诺登泄漏的所有计划中,“Bullrun破密计划”是至泄漏时的成本最高的计划。斯诺登声称,自2011年以来,用于Bullrun的成本总计8亿美元。披露的文件显示,Bullrun试图“击败特定网络通信技术中,所使用的加密”。

Royal Calcutta Turf Club

Royal Calcutta Turf Club

The Royal Calcutta Turf Club is a horse racing organisation, founded in 1847 in Calcutta, British India. Initially, horse races were organised for the British cavalry at Akra. Later, it shifted to the Kolkata Maidan. RCTC became the premier horse racing organization in India during the British Raj. At one time it was the governing body for almost all courses in the sub-continent, defining and applying the rules that governed the sport. During its heyday, the races RCTC organised were among the most important social events of the calendar, opened by the Viceroy of India. During It is still an exclusive private club and operates the Kolkata Race Course. The club also held polo matches in the late 19th century. It drew English gambling practices. In the 1930s the Calcutta Derby Sweeps, organised by the club, were the largest sweepstake in the world. After the closure of Tollygunge racecourse, a new racecourse was set up by the club at Barrackpore, as an alternative of Maidan, in the 1920s. Although it was closed afterwards due to poor patronage. Later stands and pavilions were built at the Maidan racecourse.

Geografía de España

Geografía de España

España es un país transcontinental situado en el suroeste de Europa y en el norte de África. Además de ocupar la mayor parte de la península ibérica, España está formada por dos archipiélagos y dos ciudades autónomas en el norte de África, aparte de varias islas menores en esta zona y otras cercanas a la península, como el peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, el peñón de Alhucemas, las islas Chafarinas y la isla del Perejil. España limita al oeste con el océano Atlántico y Portugal; al norte con el mar Cantábrico, al noreste con Francia y Andorra, al otro lado de la cordillera de los Pirineos; al este con el mar Mediterráneo y al sur con Marruecos, en las fronteras de Ceuta y de Melilla en el continente africano.

Der Pfarrer von Tours

Der Pfarrer von Tours

Der Pfarrer von Tours ist eine Novelle des französischen Schriftstellers Honoré de Balzac aus dem Jahr 1832. Sie ist Bestandteil der Scènes de la vie de province innerhalb Balzacs Werk La Comédie humaine.

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