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P.S. Krøyer

P.S. Krøyer

Peder Severin Krøyer var en norsk-dansk maler – og en af Skagensmalerne. Han blev født i Norge, men voksede op hos sin moster i København. Onklen var den danske zoolog Henrik Nikolai Krøyer. Initialerne P.S. stod for Peder Severin; han blev kaldt Søren af sine venner. Krøyers signatur var ofte S K. Hans værker er blandt de dyreste danske malerier på auktion, adskillige har opnået priser over en million kroner.

Euloge Schneider

Euloge Schneider

Johann Georg Schneider, dit Euloge Schneider, né à Wipfeld le 20 octobre 1756 et mort guillotiné à Paris le 1ᵉʳ avril 1794, est un moine franciscain, renvoyé pour ses prêches peu orthodoxes, devenu accusateur auprès du tribunal criminel de Strasbourg pendant la Révolution française.



Kutno is a town located in central Poland with 44,718 inhabitants and an area of 33.6 km². Situated in the Łódź Voivodeship, previously part of Płock Voivodeship, it is the capital of Kutno County. Kutno was historically the center of a large Jewish community. In 1900, 10,356 Jews lived there. It was the birthplace of a famed Polish writer Sholem Ash. During the invasion of Poland in 1939, Polish armies under General Tadeusz Kutrzeba conducted an offensive in and around Kutno, a battle that was later named the Battle of the Bzura. Based on its central location and the intersection of multiple rail lines, Kutno is one of the most important railroad junctions in Poland. Two main lines cross there. Another connection also starts in Kutno, which connects the town to Płock.



Bremen​ es una ciudad del noroeste de Alemania, que forma junto con el puerto de Bremen o Bremerhaven, a unos 60 km al noroeste, la Ciudad Libre Hanseática de Bremen, o Estado de Bremen. La ciudad alberga unos 550 000 habitantes, mientras que el área urbana tiene unos 900 000 habitantes. El área metropolitana Bremen-Oldenburg tiene alrededor de 2,3 millones de habitantes. Antiguamente se conocía en castellano como «Brema», pero hoy día es un topónimo en desuso.

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