ديفيد ثاوليس
ديفيد ثاوليس عالم فيزياء بريطاني فائز بجائزة نوبل للفيزياء لعام 2016م مع كل من دنكن هالداين ومايكل كوسترليتز لأبحاثهم في فيزياء المواد المكثفة.
ديفيد ثاوليس عالم فيزياء بريطاني فائز بجائزة نوبل للفيزياء لعام 2016م مع كل من دنكن هالداين ومايكل كوسترليتز لأبحاثهم في فيزياء المواد المكثفة.
Felice Casson is an Italian magistrate and politician, who discovered the existence of Operation Gladio, a "stay-behind" NATO anti-communist army during the Cold War, while investigating on the Peteano bombing in 1972, for which two neo-fascists were convicted; the explosives used in the attack supposedly came from a NATO arms cache. 622 Gladio members, including two people who served as prime minister and president, were exposed in the course of the investigation. Felice Casson is a Member of the Senate of the Italian Republic. He obtained a law degree from Padua University and entered the magistracy in 1980 as an investigating magistrate. He was subsequently appointed as responsible for preliminary investigations and was public prosecutor in Venice from 1993 to 2005. He has been on leave since 2006 following his election to the Italian Parliament. In 2008 he was re-elected to the Senate and elected Vice President of the Democratic Party Group.
Various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1791, John Barber developed a turbine. In 1794 Thomas Mead patented a gas engine. Also in 1794 Robert Street patented an internal-combustion engine, which was also the first to use the liquid fuel and built an engine around that time. In 1798, John Stevens designed the first American internal combustion engine. In 1807, French engineers Nicéphore and Claude Niépce ran a prototype internal combustion engine, using controlled dust explosions, the Pyréolophore. This engine powered a boat on the Saône river, France. The same year, the Swiss engineer François Isaac de Rivaz built and patented a hydrogen and oxygen powered internal-combustion engine. The fuel was stored in a balloon and the spark was electrically ignited by a hand-operated trigger. Fitted to a crude four-wheeled wagon, François Isaac de Rivaz first drove it 100 meters in 1813, thus making history as the first car-like vehicle known to have been powered by an internal-combustion engine.
Погребение Иисуса Христа, Положение во гроб — описанные в Евангелиях похороны учениками тела Иисуса Христа после его крестной смерти, случившиеся вечером Страстной пятницы. Эпизод относится к числу Страстей Христовых, следует за Оплакиванием Христа и непосредственно предшествует сцене обнаружения пустой могилы, то есть является последним моментом, в котором ещё фигурирует земное тело Иисуса. Согласно христианскому вероучению, после погребения тела Христа Его душа спустилась в ад для победы над смертью и спасения ветхозаветных праведников. Погребение Христа получило своё отражение в богословских сочинениях, рассматривающих его как завершение искупительной миссии Христа, а также в апокрифической литературе. В искусстве тема погребения отразилась в многочисленных живописных и скульптурных работах.