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Abidjan est la plus grande ville de la Côte d'Ivoire. Ancienne capitale administrative et politique du pays jusqu'en 1983, date de son transfert à Yamoussoukro, elle est également la ville la plus peuplée de l'Afrique de l'Ouest francophone, et la deuxième plus grande ville et troisième plus grande agglomération au sein de la francophonie. Capitale économique ivoirienne, elle compte selon les autorités du pays, en 2014, 4 707 000 habitants soit 21 % de la population du pays, tandis qu'elle représenterait 60 % du produit intérieur brut du pays. Seule Lagos, l'ancienne capitale du Nigeria la dépasse en nombre d'habitants dans cette région. Considérée comme le carrefour culturel ouest-africain, Abidjan connaît une forte croissance caractérisée par une forte industrialisation et une urbanisation galopante. Malgré la perte de son statut officiel de capitale de la Côte d'Ivoire, elle reste de facto le siège de la plupart des institutions administratives et politiques nationales du pays, et continue de jouer le premier rôle dans la vie politique ivoirienne.

Peloponnese (region)

Peloponnese (region)

The Peloponnese region, is a region in soothern Greece. It borders the Wast Greece region tae the north an Attica tae the north-east. The region haes an aurie o aboot 15,490 km². It covers maist o the Peloponnese peninsulae, except for the northwastren subregions o Achaea an Elis which belang tae Wast Greece.

Aztec warfare

Aztec warfare

Aztec warfare concerns the aspects associated with the militaristic conventions, forces, weaponry and strategic expansions conducted by the Late Postclassic Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica, including particularly the military history of the Aztec Triple Alliance involving the city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, Tlacopan and other allied polities of the central Mexican region. The Aztec armed forces were typically composed of a large number of commoners who possessed only basic military training, and a smaller but still considerable number of professional warriors belonging to the nobility and who were organized into warrior societies and ranked according to their achievements. The Aztec state was centered on political expansion and dominance of and exaction of tribute from other city states, and warfare was the basic dynamic force in Aztec politics. Aztec society was also centered on warfare: every Aztec male received basic military training from an early age and the only possibility of upwards social mobility for commoners was through military achievement — especially the taking of captives. Thus, only specifically chosen men served in the military.

Tỉnh thành Việt Nam

Tỉnh thành Việt Nam

Tỉnh và Thành phố trực thuộc trung ương là cấp hành chính địa phương cao nhất ở Việt Nam. Hiện nay, Việt Nam có 63 đơn vị hành chính cấp tỉnh, trong đó có 5 thành phố trực thuộc trung ương.

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