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Raphael Kalinowski

Raphael Kalinowski

Raphael of St. Joseph Kalinowski was a Polish Discalced Carmelite friar inside the Russian partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in the city of Vilnius. He was a teacher, engineer, prisoner of war, royal tutor, and priest, who founded many Carmelite monasteries around Poland after their suppression by the Russians. Kalinowski was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1991, the first man to be so recognized in the Order of Discalced Carmelites since John of the Cross.

Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly was a field marshal who commanded the Catholic League's forces in the Thirty Years' War. From 1620–31, he had an unmatched and demoralizing string of important victories against the Protestants, including White Mountain, Wimpfen, Höchst, Stadtlohn and the Conquest of the Palatinate. He destroyed a Danish army at Lutter and sacked the Protestant city of Magdeburg, which caused the death of some 20,000 of the city's inhabitants, both defenders and non-combatants, out of a total population of 25,000. Tilly was then crushed at Breitenfeld in 1631 by the Swedish army of King Gustavus Adolphus. A Swedish arquebus bullet wounded him severely at the Battle of Rain, and he died two weeks later in Ingolstadt. Along with Duke Albrecht von Wallenstein of Friedland and Mecklenburg, he was one of two chief commanders of the Holy Roman Empire’s forces in the first half of the war.

Януш Радзівіл

Януш Радзівіл

Януш Радзівіл — дзяржаўны і вайсковы дзяяч Вялікага Княства Літоўскага. Гетман польны літоўскі, ваявода віленскі і гетман вялікі літоўскі. Меў багатыя маёнткі, у тым ліку Біржы, Кейданы, Віжуны, Папелі і Яшуны на тэрыторыі сучаснай Летувы, Любчу ў Наваградзкім павеце, Дойліды і Заблудаў у Гарадзенскім павеце, Невель у Віцебскім павеце, Себеж у Полацкім павеце. Трымаў Камянецкае, Барысаўскае, Амсьціслаўскае і іншыя староствы. Князь Сьвятой Рымскай Імпэрыі на Біржах і Дубінках.



Tudorella là một chi ốc đất liền, là động vật chân bụng sống trên cạn động vật thân mềm thuộc họ Pomatiidae.

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