光子是一种基本粒子,是电磁辐射的量子。在量子场论里是负责传递电磁力的力载子。这种作用力的效应在微观层次或宏观层次都可以很容易地观察到,因为光子的静止质量为零,它可以移动至很远距离,这也意味着它在真空中的传播速度是光速。如同其它微观粒子,光子具有波粒二象性,能够展现出波动性与粒子性。例如,它能在双缝实验里展示出波动性,也能在光电效应实验里展示出粒子性。 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在1905年至1917年间发展出光子的现代概念,这是为了解释一些与光的古典波动模型不相符合的实验结果。当时被普遍接受的经典电磁理论,尽管能够论述关于光是电磁波的概念,但是无法正确解释黑体辐射与光电效应等实验现象。半古典理论在麦克斯韦方程组的框架下将物质吸收光和发射光所涉及的能量量子化,而行进的光波仍采古典方法处理;如此可对黑体辐射的实验结果做出合理解释。爱因斯坦的主张与普朗克的半古典理论明显不同,他提出光本身就是量子化的概念,当时爱因斯坦称之为“光量子”。1926年,美国物理化学家吉尔伯特·路易斯正式提出“光子”的命名。 虽然半古典理论对于量子力学的初始发展做出重大贡献,从于1923年观测到的电子对于单独光子的康普顿散射开始,更多的实验证据使爱因斯坦光量子假说得到充分证实。由于这关键发现,爱因斯坦于1921年获颁诺贝尔物理学奖。 光子的概念带动了实验和理论物理学在多个领域的巨大进展,例如激光、玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚、量子场论、量子力学的统计诠释、量子光学和量子计算等。在物理学外的其他领域里,这概念也找到很多重要应用,如光化学、高分辨显微术,以及分子间距测量等。在当代相关研究中,光子是研究量子计算机的基本元素,也在复杂的光通信技术,例如量子密码学等领域有重要的研究价值。 根据粒子物理的标准模型,光子的存在可以满足物理定律在时空内每一点具有特定对称性的理论要求。这种对称性称为规范对称性,它可以决定光子的内秉属性,例如质量、电荷、自旋等。光子的自旋为1,因此是玻色子,不遵守泡利不相容原理。
Møllegaten er en gate i Tønsberg sentrum. Den går fra brygga ved kanalen der den krysser Nedre Langgate, og opp til Stoltenbergs gate. Møllegaten går omtrent parallelt med Tollbodgaten. Fra sørvest mot nordøst går Møllegaten oppover fra omtrent to moh. til 18 moh. Den er 430 meter lang. Mesteparten av gaten er enveiskjørt, med fortau og langsgående parkering.
Sir Patricius Curwen, 1st Baronet of Workington Hall, Cumberland was an English landowner and politician who sat in the House of Commons of England from 1640 to 1643 and from 1661 to 1664. He supported the Royalist side in the English Civil War Curwen was the son of Sir Henry Curwen of Workington in Cumberland. The Curwen family owned iron ore mines at Harrington and the account books of Curwen's steward contain many references to iron ore. Curwen was apparently a generous landlord who between 1628 and 1643 paid his harvesters with food and wages and provided a piper to play in the fields for the time of the harvest. In 1627 he was created a baronet, of Workington in the County of Cumberland. Curwen served as a Justice of the Peace for Cumberland from 1624 to at least 1640 and in 1636 was appointed High Sheriff of Cumberland. In April 1640 he was elected Member of Parliament for Cumberland for the Short Parliament and was re-elected in November 1640 for the Long Parliament. As a staunch Royalist he was one of the 56 MPs who voted to spare the life of the Earl of Strafford and was disabled from sitting in March 1643.