Дванадесета пехотна дивизия
Дванадесета пехотна дивизия е българска военна част, взела участие в Междусъюзническата, Първата световна и Втората световна война.
Дванадесета пехотна дивизия е българска военна част, взела участие в Междусъюзническата, Първата световна и Втората световна война.
Dies ist eine Liste der diplomatischen Vertretungen der Slowakei. Die Slowakei unterhält ein Netzwerk von 63 Botschaften weltweit.
Rawtenstall is a town in Rossendale, Lancashire, England. Associated with it, or nearby, are the communities of Waterfoot, Newchurch, Ewood Bridge, Lumb, Water, Crawshawbooth, Goodshaw, and Love Clough. The area contains 97 buildings that are recorded in the National Heritage List for England as designated listed buildings. Of these, eight are listed at Grade II*, the middle grade, and the others are at Grade II, the lowest grade. Until the coming of the Industrial Revolution the area was rural, and most of the oldest listed buildings are, or originated as, farmhouses, farm buildings, cottages and larger houses. A former packhorse bridge has survived, and is listed. The earliest evidence of industry is in the weavers' cottages, some of which are listed. Later came the mills; some of these have survived and are listed. The other listed buildings are those associated with the growing population and include churches and associated structures, public houses, shops, a bank, schools, a library, the gateway to the cemetery, and war memorials.
Düne ist die einzige Nebeninsel der deutschen Nordseeinsel Helgoland. Sie gehört mit der Hauptinsel zur Gemeinde Helgoland und damit zum schleswig-holsteinischen Kreis Pinneberg, dessen Hauptteil knapp 140 km südöstlich auf dem Festland nordwestlich von Hamburg liegt. Die flache Sandinsel, auch Strandinsel, die im 20. Jahrhundert in Teilen künstlich vergrößert wurde, ist Zufluchtsort unter anderem von Meeresvögeln, Kegelrobben und Seehunden. Sie dient mit ihren Stränden als Badeinsel. Zudem befinden sich hier der Flugplatz Helgoland-Düne, der Dünenhafen, Unterkünfte, der Leuchtturm Helgoland Düne und die DGPS-Station Helgoland.