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Rachel Khan

Rachel Khan

Rachel Khan est une actrice, écrivaine française et juriste, née le 25 janvier 1976 à Tours. D'abord athlète de haut niveau durant sa jeunesse, elle est devenue juriste, et a été conseillère à la culture de Jean-Paul Huchon en Île-de-France jusqu'en 2015, avant de commencer une carrière d'actrice puis d'écrivaine, notamment avec un roman en 2016.

Downtown Duluth

Downtown Duluth

The Downtown of Duluth, Minnesota, United States, is situated between Mesaba Avenue and 4th Avenue East; and located on Michigan, Superior, First, Second, and Third Streets. As in most cities, the downtown area is home to a number of the city's cultural and social attractions, as well as government offices and business centers. Duluth's main library is located in downtown, as is the city's foremost museum, the courthouse, city hall, several local restaurants and bars with live music venues, and many of the larger business offices. Stores and places to eat and drink tend to be locally or regionally owned and operated, with most chain and franchise establishments having located themselves in the "Miller Hill area" around the U.S. Highway 53 corridor. A large portion of the eastern section of downtown is oriented around Essentia Health–St. Mary's Medical Center and Miller-Dwan Medical Center. The downtown area is easily accessible from Interstate Highway 35. Most of the downtown is within walking distance of the touristy Canal Park district.

Mambruk selatan

Mambruk selatan

Mambruk selatan adalah sejenis Mambruk atau merpati darat besar yang menghuni dataran rendah bagian selatan Pulau Papua. Burung ini memiliki bulu berwarna biru-keabu-abuan dengan jambul rumit seperti renda biru, iris mata berwarna merah, dan bulu dada berwarna merah marun gelap. Baik jantan maupun betina memiliki penampilan yang sama. Burung ini berukuran rata-rata panjang 70 cm dan berat 2,250 grams. Terdapat dua subspesies dari Mambruk selatan, dibedakan berdasarkan warna bulu bahu dan perut. Goura scheepmakeri sclateri di wilayah barat daya pulau Papua dengan bahu merah marun dan perut biru-abu-abu, dan ras Goura scheepmakeri scheepmakeri di pulau Papua tenggara dengan bahu biru-abu-abu dan bagian bawah merah marun. Burung ini juga terlihat mirip dengan kerabatnya Mambruk victoria, dan Mambruk ubiaat. Spesies ini pertama kali ditemukan dunia ilmiah oleh Otto Finsch yang menemukan dua burung hidup dari pedagang satwa langka C. Scheepmaker di kebun binatang Amsterdam Zoo dan dinamakan berdasarkan dia. Karena burung ini jinak dan sering kali diburu untuk daging dan bulunya yang indah, burung ini dikategorikan kedalam rentan dalam daftar spesies terancam IUCN Red List.

Eusebio di Milano

Eusebio di Milano

Eusebio fu arcivescovo di Milano dal 449 fino alla sua morte. È venerato come santo dalla Chiesa cattolica che lo ricorda l'8 agosto.

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