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पूर्व तटीय रेल्वे क्षेत्र

पूर्व तटीय रेल्वे क्षेत्र

पूर्व तटीय रेल्वे हे भारतीय रेल्वेच्या १७ क्षेत्रांपैकी एक क्षेत्र आहे. २००३ साली स्थापन झालेल्या पूर्व तटीय रेल्वेचे मुख्यालय भुवनेश्वरच्या भुवनेश्वर रेल्वे स्थानक येथे असून संपूर्ण ओडिशा राज्य तसेच छत्तीसगड व आंध्र प्रदेश राज्यांचा काही भाग पूर्व तटीय रेल्वेच्या अखत्यारीत येतो.

Norwegian heraldry

Norwegian heraldry

Norwegian heraldry has roots in early medieval times, soon after the use of coats of arms first appeared in continental Europe. Some of the medieval coats of arms are rather simple of design, while others have more naturalistic charges. The king-granted coats of arms of later times were usually detailed and complex. Especially in the late 17th century and the 18th century, many ennobled persons and families received coats of arms with shields containing both two and four fields, and some even with an inescutcheon above these. There are very few civic arms dating from before 1900, and most of today's governmental and civic arms are from the last decades of the 20th century. Today the public arms are popular in Norway and are used extensively by the official authorities. The Norwegian Heraldry Society is a private heraldic organisation.



Perpezac-le-Blanc est commune Francicum 467 incolarum praefecturae Curretiae in provincia Lemovicensi.

Fred Rodriguez

Fred Rodriguez

Fred Rodriguez, né le 3 juillet 1973 à Bogota en Colombie, est un coureur cycliste américain, professionnel entre 1996 et 2015.

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