Liste over innsjøer i Japan
Dette er en liste over innsjøer i Japan som har et flateinnhold større enn 4 km². Opplysningene stammer fra en liste utgitt av det japanske Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Dette er en liste over innsjøer i Japan som har et flateinnhold større enn 4 km². Opplysningene stammer fra en liste utgitt av det japanske Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of the French and also the King of Italy as Napoleon I. His actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century. Bonaparte was born in Corsica. His parents were of noble Italian birth. He trained as an officer in mainland France. became important under the First French Republic. He led successful campaigns against Coalitions of enemies of the Revolution. In 1799, he staged a coup d'état to make himself First Consul. Five years later the French Senate declared him Emperor. In the first ten years of the nineteenth century, the French Empire under Napoleon waged the Napoleonic Wars. Every European great power joined in these wars. After a number of victories, France became very important in continental Europe. Napoleon increased his power by making many alliances. He also made his friends and family members rule other European countries as French client states. The French invasion of Russia in 1812 became Napoleon's first big defeat. His army was badly damaged and never fully recovered. In 1813, another Coalition defeated his forces at Leipzig. The year after that, they attacked France. The Coalition exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba.
Rågsveds naturreservat ligger i stadsdelen Rågsved i Stockholms kommun. Naturreservatet invigdes i september 2018.
La rue du Taur est une rue du centre historique de Toulouse, en France. Elle traverse le quartier Arnaud-Bernard, depuis la place du Capitole jusqu'à la place Saint-Sernin, dans le secteur 1 de la ville. Elle appartient au secteur sauvegardé de Toulouse.