اهميت ديليك
الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها. اهميت ديليك لاعب كورة قدم من النمسا و صيربيا.
الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها. اهميت ديليك لاعب كورة قدم من النمسا و صيربيا.
Ulma è una città extracircondariale del Baden-Württemberg, in Germania. È nota soprattutto per aver dato i natali ad Albert Einstein. Capoluogo del circondario Alb-Donau e della Regione Donau-Iller. È la prima città di una certa importanza sulle sponde del Danubio. Il toponimo probabilmente deriva dal tedesco ulme, pianta assai presente nella zona.
The black-headed gull is a small gull that breeds in much of the Palearctic including Europe and also in coastal eastern Canada. Most of the population is migratory and winters further south, but some birds reside in the milder westernmost areas of Europe. Some black-headed gulls also spend the winter in northeastern North America, where it was formerly known as the common black-headed gull. As is the case with many gulls, it was previously placed in the genus Larus. The genus name Chroicocephalus is from Ancient Greek khroizo, "to colour", and kephale, "head". The specific ridibundus is Latin for "laughing", from ridere "to laugh". The black-headed gull displays a variety of compelling behaviours and adaptations. Some of these include removing eggshells from ones nest after hatching, begging coordination between siblings, differences between sexes, conspecific brood parasitism, and extra-pair paternity. They are an overwintering species, found in a variety of different habitats.
De SS Morro Castle was een Amerikaans passagiersschip van de rederij Ward Line op de lijn New York City - Havana.