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Mayan civilization

Mayan civilization

The Maya civilization were people who lived in Mesoamerica, with Maya languages and Maya religion. They lived there for a long time and some of the Maya people live there even today. The Maya lived there 4,000 years ago. At that date complex societies were living in the Maya region. The staple foods of the Maya diet were cultivated. Their food included maize, beans, squashes, and chili peppers. The first Maya cities developed around 750 BC. The Maya people used a written language and a numeral system. They were good at art, building, and math. Their priests studied stars and planets, which helped them make calendars. The Maya civilization was biggest between the years of 420 AD and 900 AD. The Maya civilization spread all the way from central Mexico to Honduras, Guatemala, and northern El Salvador. It is estimated that at its maximum, the civilization had at least ten million people. The Maya people traded with other people in the Americas. Their art and buildings have many different styles. This shows they traded a lot. They made changes to their buildings to make them even better. The Maya civilization started getting smaller after 900 AD.



臺灣總督府中央研究所,簡稱中央研究所,隸屬於台灣總督府,為台灣日治時期對各項產業及衛生進行研究、調查和試驗的機關,本部地址為台北市幸町1番地。 中央研究所廳舍建築建於1907年至1909年,由台灣總督府營繕課的小野木孝治設計,屬於法國文藝復興風格,現已不存。建築在戰時受損,1971年,拆除前半部興建王大閎所設計的教育部大樓,1996年,拆除後半部,興建陳其寬設計的中央聯合辦公大樓。

Centrale nucléaire de Hope Creek

Centrale nucléaire de Hope Creek

La centrale nucléaire de Hope Creek est située près du pont Hancocks dans le New Jersey sur le même site que les deux réacteurs de la centrale nucléaire de Salem.



Boësses is een gemeente in het Franse departement Loiret en telt 351 inwoners. De oppervlakte bedraagt 13,4 km², de bevolkingsdichtheid is 26,2 inwoners per km². De onderstaande kaart toont de ligging van Boësses met de belangrijkste infrastructuur en aangrenzende gemeenten.

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