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Núi Kosciuszko

Núi Kosciuszko

Núi Kosciuszko là ngọn núi tại Công viên Quốc gia Kosciuszko. Với độ cao 2.228 mét trên mực nước biển, nó là ngọn núi cao nhất Australia. Địa hình này do nhà thám hiểm người Ba Lan Paul Edmund Strzelecki đặt tên để vinh danh danh tướng Ba Lan là Tadeusz Kościuszko, người từng theo giúp quân cách mạng Hoa Kỳ giành độc lập và sau đó lãnh đạo quân đội Ba Lan chống lại quân xâm lăng của Nga hoàng năm 1792.

Edward Manukyan

Edward Manukyan

Edward Manukyan is a composer from Southern California, United States. His main works are orchestral and chamber compositions, which lean heavily upon elements of Armenian national folklore.

Club Atlético Independiente

Club Atlético Independiente

El Club Atlético Independiente, conocíu popularmente como Independiente, ye un club multideportivu d'Arxentina con sede na ciudá bonaerense d'Ablanéu. Promueve la práutica de dellos deportes. Foi fundáu'l 1 de xineru de 1905, sicasí, el so orixe data del 4 d'agostu de 1904. El so equipu de fútbol exerz la llocalía nel Estadiu Llibertadores d'América. A nivel internacional, el "Coloráu" o'l "Rei de Copes" ye una de les instituciones más gallardoniaes del fútbol internacional con 17 títulos. Ostenta, amás, una marca imbatible de cuatro títulos de manera consecutiva de Copa Llibertadores, lo cual convertir nel únicu tetracampeón de forma siguida de dichu tornéu. De la mesma, el so ésitos haber lleváu a ser el máximu conquistador de cuatro competencies distintos liderando los sos respeutivos palmarés como; la Copa Llibertadores con siete títulos, la Copa Interamericana con trés, la Supercopa con dos y la Copa Suramericana con dos, nestos dos últimes igualáu xuntu con Cruzeiro y Boca Juniors respeutivamente. Amás de les mentaes, coronar del tornéu más importante a nivel mundial en dos oportunidad de la Copa Intercontinental, y tamién de la Recopa nuna ocasión.

U.S. Route 50

U.S. Route 50

U.S. Route 50 or U.S. Highway 50 is a major east–west route of the U.S. Highway system, stretching just over 3,000 miles from Interstate 80 in West Sacramento, California, to Maryland Route 528 in Ocean City, Maryland, on the Atlantic Ocean. Until 1972, when it was replaced by Interstate Highways west of the Sacramento area, it extended to San Francisco, near the Pacific Ocean. The Interstates were constructed later and are mostly separate from this route. It generally serves a corridor south of I-70 and I-80 and north of I-64 and I-40. The route runs through mostly rural desert and mountains in the western United States, with the section through Nevada known as "The Loneliest Road in America". In the Midwest, US 50 heads through mostly rural areas of farms as well as a few large cities including Kansas City, Missouri; St. Louis, Missouri; and Cincinnati, Ohio. The route continues into the eastern United States, where it passes through the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia before heading through Washington, D.C. From there, US 50 continues through Maryland as a high-speed road to Ocean City.

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